Climbing Mount Olympus

This summer I had the opportunity to climb Mt. Olympus in Washington with Summit for Someone, the fundraising arm of Big City Mountaineers. Below is an image of my friend Lane and I on the top. The trip was fantastic, and a great experience for anyone who wants to get out on a guided mountaineering trip while at the same time raising money for urban youth to get outdoors. Plus the bounty of gear provided by the program sponsors (including our own Black Diamond, Big Agnes and SOLE) was worth the fundraising effort! Read a more in-depth report on WildSnow.

In Love with a Shoe

Newton Running is a little Boulder shoe company that has been making big waves in the running shoe world since their launch two years ago. Along the way they’ve garnered an evangelical following of runners who sing the shoe’s praises…sometimes literally.

One happy customer liked her shoes so much that she penned lyrics to a song about Newton Running, sung to the tune of Gavin Degraw’s pop hit, “In Love with a Girl.”

If you don’t know the tune, here’s the video. Much to my co-workers chagrin, I actually played the music and sang along with the Newton lyrics…they fit amazingly well.

Playa del Ingles Ode to my Newton Training Shoes
(To the tune of Gavin De Graw’s song “In Love With A Girl”)

So many shoes gonna look like they want you,
Try to get you thinking they’re really fast.
But there’s nothing like the fit of the one that has put in the time
And you know its gonna be there.

Back your forefoot when no other shoe does it,
Don’t let nobody slow you down, when your fast.
There’s no pain in protecting your pace,
From the 5 to the Tri to the runners high.

I’m in love with a shoe who knows me better,
Fell for the color just when I met her.
Took my sweet time when I was at the store,
Newton understands…

And you know how to treat my toes right,
Not too loose and not too tight.
Helps me to soar when I’m in flight.
Newton understands me.

I’m in love with a shoe (I’m in love with).
I’m in love with a shoe (I’m in love with).

Read Sing along with the rest of they lyrics here.