Advertising Dead? Think Again…

buy Lyrical dance costumes online Lots of talk these days about print advertising being dead and how much people hate banner ads online.

venturesomely Here at Backbone, we see this common wisdom as having some truth but more so mixed with a healthy dose of opportunity.

What do I mean by that? Well, print advertising IS changing, but there is still great value in leveraging campaigns across multiple media platforms. Rather than drone on about theory hereĀ  – let’s use some examples.

First example is Black Diamond helping every surfer who is numb to banner ads and skyscrapers with their new creatives. Confronted with how to draw attention to their efforts online BD simply looked at who they are and what they do best – which is climb and ski. (Okay, they design and build some cool stuff too).

[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”” width=”500″ height=”150″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]


If you find yourself hitting the refresh button to watch this guy whip or wanting to draw landscapes of a crag like Renan O. then yes, BD wins.

Cloudveil is running a new print campaign for F09. Cleverly designed by tda in Boulder, the print ads tie into online promos and leverage social media to notĀ  just sell product but the mountain culture Cloudveil is all about.


Add partnerships with 1-800-flowers, Zazzle and Kool Dog Cafe and what was dead is now very much alive and kicking.


Man, those guys at tda are smart – though they can be a bit edgy.

2 Thoughts on “Advertising Dead? Think Again…

  1. Advertising has changed dramatically over the last decade with the growing popularitiy of the internet. I still hate junk main in my mail box though

  2. I imagine people get annoyed with advertisements, as you said about banner ads, but they get sold without even knowing it. If you think about how many people have said “the $5 foot long song from subway is so annoying!”, but have still gone out and gotten a $5 foot long… Personally, I’m guilty.

    People can hate advertising all they want, but it’s not going anywhere.

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