Win a free pair of Black Diamond Skis

Teton based, rando-racer, always motivated skier Steve Romeo, is giving away a FREE pair of BD skis on his blog

The winner will get to choose the skis of their choice by entering a contest centered around the Best Trip Report submitted by December 1, 2008. The winner will be selected on 12/15.

Rando Steve atop the Prong looking at the NF of the Grand

Rando Steve atop the Prong looking at the NF of the Grand

So, either get out there or get busy writing up the greatest, worst or most hilarious recent trip and share it on

MSP teaser – Dav and Stian skiing Classics in Europe

With frost on the windshield this morning this seemed appropriate.

Here’s a link to Chris Davenport and Stian Hagen from Matchstick Productions new film capturing their 08 project of skiing the Matterhorn, Eiger, Monte Rosa and Mont Blanc last spring.

Once loaded, click on Chris, Stian and the project first, then watch the Matterhorn video.

What makes something Sticky?

Every brand wants it. Not every brand has it. So what makes a brand sticky? What traits or features breed consumer loyalty? Not an easy question to answer.

Consider the VW Bus. We have a Eurovan – which is a great camping vehicle and perfect for kids and parents who just can’t quite stomach a mini van. Call it a bus, Westfalia or Eurovan – whatever – but for inexplicable reasons Vdubs breed loyalty. Their is an inter-connectedness between owners. Drive one and wherever you are other owners will wave at you. That doesn’t happen in Ford.

Check out this Bus, for instance, painted by local Aspen artist and octogenarian Gino Hollander. Gino was a 10th Mountain solider during WWII, and an expatriate who wore out 3 Vdubs on tours across Europe and Northern Africa.

I don’t know the answer to what makes something sticky, but I do think Gino is getting at something close to it here.

Chape Goes Grand

I’m a proud father no doubt.

My eleven-year-old son Chapin, my wife Kir and I summitted the Grand Teton on Sunday in perfect weather via the Upper Exum Route.

How would I describe it? Awesome, scary, humbling, burly, proud, beautiful, stunning, funny and a bit stressful.

Chape would describe it as WICKED cool!

We camped two perfect nights at the lower saddle, saw a bunch of friends and made some new ones.

It doesn’t get much better.

The ‘Tang’ of Quotes

Adam Chamberlain topping out on the Y Couloir, SLC

Adam Chamberlain topping out on the Y Couloir, SLC

There are two schools of thought on writing quotes in press releases.

First, there’s the traditional, Bull Durham approach:

Seoni Crash Davis: It’s time to work on your interviews.

Nuke LaLoosh: My interviews? What do I gotta do?

Crash Davis: You’re gonna have to learn your clichés. You’re gonna have to study them, you’re gonna have to know them. They’re your friends. Write this down: “We gotta play it one day at a time.”

Nuke LaLoosh: Got to play… it’s pretty boring.

Crash Davis: ‘Course it’s boring, that’s the point. Write it down.

And then, there’s the freewheeling, “tang” approach.

Both styles are well documented and juxtaposed in a recent press release from the Conservation Alliance announcing the appointment of two new board members: Adam Chamberlain from Black Diamond and Gareth Martins from Osprey.

The Bull Durham style:

“We are excited to have such great additions to the Alliance board,” said John Sterling, Conservation Alliance executive director. “Gareth and Adam bring great passion and experience that will help guide our efforts to protect our last wild places.”

The Tang style:

“Fire. The Wheel. Tang. The Conservation Alliance. Through innovative leadership that marshals the best conservation instincts of the outdoor industry, the Alliance has built tremendous momentum and a track record of partnership in the safeguarding of wild places,” said Chamberlain. “ I am stoked to have the opportunity to add my energy and enthusiasm to the Board’s efforts.”