Contour is Cranking

buy Pregabalin online next day delivery Our friends over at Contour have so much cool stuff going on these days it’s hard to keep up. First of all, they introduced the first camera to integrate HD video with GPS tracking. Now you can watch your video while tracking location, speed and altitude – cool! Just a few scant weeks later, Contour announced there was a hidden Bluetooth chip in their GPS camera that connects wirelessly to your iphone or other mobile device to create a live viewfinder for the camera. No more missed shots! This announcement garnered Contour tons of accolades at the annual Consumer Electronics Show including a CES Innovations award, a Best of CES award from CNET and a 2011 CES Hot Stuff Award from Stuff Magazine.

Along the way, Contour has also caught the attention of some big time players in the entertainment industry….like the NFL. Check out the below video of Michael Vick wearing a Contour camera during recent practice for the Pro Bowl.

But at the end of the day, what’s best about Contour cameras is their ability to capture those epic moments in your life. Even (or especially) if it’s an purchase gabapentin 300 mg epic FAIL. Thanks to Holly’s bf Ryan for this little gem.

I’m glad to report that Ryan’s Contour camera survived this crash without a scratch, and Ryan’s back is feeling ok – with the help of lots of aspirin.