Brad is Bachelor of the Year Over eight years ago, I met 18-year-old Brad Ludden in Vail. He was a young kid with a big vision…to teach kids with cancer how to kayak. His dream inspired me and small group of committed Vail locals to help Brad start a new charity, which we called First Descents. I served on the board of First Descents for seven years, helping to shepherd the organization through years of exponential growth. What started as a one-week kayak camp in Vail has grown into nine camps, in three states, helping hundreds of young adults with cancer. My board position was term-limited last year but my time with FD remains one of my proudest achievements. Fellow vertebrae Sarah Hubbard took up the torch last year and served as FD’s camp director for a week of climbing in Jackson Hole. It was the highlight of her summer.

Well, last month Brad was chosen as Cosmopolitan’s Colorado Bachelor and today he was named Bachelor of the Year. This is all a little embarrassing for Brad, but its damn good exposure for First Descents.

Brad on The Today Show.

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