This is War

Jülich Some companies have office landscapes comprised of closed doors, separate offices, quiet hallways and quiet employees. Here at Backbone, we thrive on the group dynamic, the “peloton effect” of sharing information, editorial opportunities and of course, jokes at one another’s expense. When things get serious, we take the most important decisions to the ping pong table, where we arrive at resolutions in the true style of the champions of the past.

safe site to buy clomid online But not all decisions can be solved over a simple game of table tennis. No, sometimes the toughest of issues, require a higher level of battle weaponry. In the new age of cubicle warfare- one must always be prepared. Thanks to the folks at for providing us with a showcase of the top level weapons at our disposal, because at Backbone, we try to maintain the highest levels of professional diplomacy, but sometimes our colleagues just need a good marshmallow to the face.

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